Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Upcoming Blog News!

Since I've left NY, I have been living and working in Memphis. Starting in September, I will be the new Assistant Manager at Chico's East Memphis. I am happy in Memphis right now, because Starkville is only 2.5 hours away so I can visit my friends and boyfriend whenever I want! I want to continue my blog about my life, fashion and fun times. 

September 8 - 15 is Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in NYC! It is the LARGEST fashion event in the world! I will be there!!!!! I am working for IMG who produces the whole event and will for sure have tons to blog about. MBFW from a southern girl's perspective. I'm so excited to bring you breaking news straight from the runways about the latest for Spring 2012. 

Visit for the latest updates, designer schedule and pics from last year's event. 

Please continue reading and check out my last 2 posts that are also about my time in NYC this summer. 

Stay Pretty!


Last week in NYC. Yankees Game!

The last week we were in New York, we decided to go to a Yankees game. I would be sad if I left and never got to see "Mr. NYC", Derek Jeter, play ball and it was quite the experience. It was the largest stadium I've ever been in! There were 2 rain delays, but I was content waiting it out with my fried food and beer. I really came to the game just to eat. Also, since we sat in the nose-bleed section (2nd to last row from the top) there was an overhang and we only got wet when the wind blew the rain into us. We had garlic fries, fried chicken, hot dogs, cotton candy, ice cream cones, and lots of beer and soda. As Elaine put it "OMG I love America". And so do I. 

The gang's all here

I was absolutely fascinated with how quickly they rolled out the tarp

MSU Fashion Majors. My Loves For Life.
Amanda. Syd. Caroline. Elaine. Amber. 

Here's an over exaggeration of the freak out during the rain delay. Amy was actually trying to take a picture.....hence the famous words "Oh, it's on record".

Baseball = America = Fatty Foods = Happy Sydney


Yes, Jack, I'm going to put you on my blog.

I am always excited on the rare occasion that I get to see my high school pal, Jack. He's been living in NY since high school and he just recently graduated from Parson's The New School for Design. We always have so much fun and of course take a lot of ridiculous pictures. Jack is probably the most unique, talented, stylish, kind and ambitious person I will ever know.  

Black and white polka dots and stripes. how chic of us. 

We had access to the rooftop on Jacks apt building. amaze. 

Jack has an affinity for Australians.

A throw back to our high school days.

He was my escort for Homecoming.

I didn't win queen that year, but we won best dressed. for sure. 
