Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Upcoming Blog News!

Since I've left NY, I have been living and working in Memphis. Starting in September, I will be the new Assistant Manager at Chico's East Memphis. I am happy in Memphis right now, because Starkville is only 2.5 hours away so I can visit my friends and boyfriend whenever I want! I want to continue my blog about my life, fashion and fun times. 

September 8 - 15 is Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in NYC! It is the LARGEST fashion event in the world! I will be there!!!!! I am working for IMG who produces the whole event and will for sure have tons to blog about. MBFW from a southern girl's perspective. I'm so excited to bring you breaking news straight from the runways about the latest for Spring 2012. 

Visit for the latest updates, designer schedule and pics from last year's event. 

Please continue reading and check out my last 2 posts that are also about my time in NYC this summer. 

Stay Pretty!


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