Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tourist in Times Square

I absolutely hate going to Times Square because it is crazy packed ALL THE TIME! But it really is an incredible place. The lights and the huge ads are enough to stare at all day. Since everyone in Times Square is a tourist, I fit right in with my little crappy camera. 

I also went because I needed to see in person the American Eagle ads with Muriel Hollins, a Fashion Board member! She is amazing! 

 If you want to check Muriel out on the AE site go here



Do the Rockaway

This weekend we needed to get out of the city, so we ventured an hour and a half away to Rockaway Beach. Even though it is probably the cleanest beach around, it was still dirty and crowded. But we made the most of it and had fun!

Walking from the subway

Sand between my toes, it's been a while

Clockwise from left: Stephanie, Elaine, Caroline and Amber

Nasty people

Pretty People

Hooray for the beach!


So many freakin birds

Birds fighting over trash

 Elaine trying to break up the bird fight

 Hey look, a bar right next to the beach

 Good clean fun at the Sand Bar

Passing the awesome beach shops

-Lovely Sunday-
