Monday, June 27, 2011

It's Business Time

Here's a small (very small) glimpse into the daily life of a fashion intern at IMG. I cannot reveal everything we get to's confidential ;)

I take the subway from Penn Station everyday with Amber, I get off at 23rd street and walk about 4 avenues to get to the IMG offices at 304 Park Ave South. I pass a lot of business people wearing tennis shoes with their suits and dresses (not unlike myself), parents walking their children to school, a lot of cute coffee and breakfast places, an awkward Outback Steakhouse, Madison Square park where the original Shake Shack is located and also a few homeless people...can't get away from them. One time however, I did encounter a creepy man attempting to sell me some marijuana. No thanks. 

Here are some pics of my life at work!

People-filled streets

Front entrance to the 4th floor

My desk, yes, we made name tags to decorate....

Alie! My intern partner/cubicle roommate! (we actually each had our own desk, but we decided to move in together, it's more fun that way)

Amy and Lauren, the Fashion Sponsorship and Sales interns. They sit next to us! (they work a lot. notice the amount of post-its)

This is the MBFW Swim show schedule. We live by this. 

Sometimes I get to see celebs at the office. Stacy London was here my first week of work! Yeah, I had a slight panic attack....but I kept it cool and professional *yeah right*

This is where I live. 


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