Sunday, June 26, 2011

What am I doing here!


For everyone keeping up with me, I have been living in New York City for the past 3 weeks. I am interning at IMG in the Fashion Production division. For all of you who do not know, IMG produces the LARGEST fashion event in the world. Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. nbd. 

I have never worked a 9-5 job, but this isn't so bad, sometimes. I really love being able to work at such an amazing company, but I miss the human interaction. I work with incredible people, but the same people everyday. I sit at a cubicle with my own phone and laptop with the other intern in my division, Allie. We get to make copies, proofread stuff, fax stuff, type stuff, call people...and sometimes we get to do really cool stuff. Like go to IMG model castings for the swimwear show in Miami next month (I seriously did not think girls with bodies like that existed), sit in on conference calls for the runway shows and participate in brainstorming sessions for the X Games! 
All in all, it's not a bad gig. 

Living here, however, has not been as pleasant as I'd hoped. I live with 3 of my best friends from MS. (thank you for them!) We live in an apartment-style dorm at the Fashion Institute of Technology. We have no microwave and no overhead lights in the bedrooms. Yes, we were in the dark for 4 days until we finally bought a lamp. Cooking has been very interesting. The thing about living in NYC and not having a car is that you have to carry all your groceries home. Now I know why everyone pushes those stupid carts around. Food (and everything) is so effing expensive here. This would be a great place to live if you wanted to lose weight. 

I will try my best to post pictures and update this blog everyday. To be honest, I was so overwhelmed with the task of living in this strange amazing place, that I failed to take a lot of pictures or compose status updates. I will get on that soon!

Thank you for all your support!

View from my window

View from my window

View from my window

My lovely roommates, Caroline and Amber!

The view from the street when you walk out of our dorm

New York Pizza! YUUUUUUUUUM!

New York gelato! YUUUUUUUUM!

The Empire State Building lit up in rainbow colors the night that gay marriage was legalized

What we get to see every night. Sunset on the Hudson.

My little home away from home

My two new ids

I told you food was expensive here. Check out the cheese roll-up price. 

Much love to all my peoples back home!

I learned my lesson after the first day of work. The next week I bought tennis shoes.

Diane Von Furstenberg studios

Shopping at the 3 story Bed, Bath & Beyond. The cart had its own escalator next to us. (that's my third roommate, Arielle)

Vintage shopping at Beacon's Closet in Brooklyn

I some how won a free happy hour at Turtle Bay NYC! and my friends got to drink for half price! Need I say anymore.... 

My favorite

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