Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What a Proud City!

This past weekend we attended (or got sucked into) the Pride Parade! This year was one of the largest in decades due to the fact that just 2 days before, New York passed the marriage equality act. What a time to be in NYC! 

At first I wanted to go to the parade just to see the crazy floats and drag queens (always a good time), but then I realized that this event meant so much more. The 6 hour parade (yes, it really was that long) started at 36th st and 5th ave and ended at Christopher street in the West Village. 

It brought tears to my eyes when I saw Governor Cuomo and a mass of people marching behind him with signs saying "Thank you Governor Cuomo" and on the other side "Promise Kept". At this point, it hit me that this was an historical moment for the gay community in NYC. Whether you think homosexuality is right or wrong, these people were just granted a right that they have never had before. A right to commit themselves to someone they love. I saw families, couples, reverends, police officers, firemen, and politicians that were not afraid to openly commit themselves to a significant other of the same sex. It was an eye-opening and moving experience.

I definitely got more out of my experience at the Pride Parade than I was expecting, but as promised, there were plenty of crazy floats and drag queens!

This is where we stood, the epicenter. 

Our amazing friend Jarrod from Mississippi who's been living here since September 

Patiently waiting....for an hour

Too cute

The governor's followers/supporters/crazed fans

3 words that will boost the economy: Gay Bridal Registry 

They were giving away free lip balm!(all the gay men in front of me took it though)

Gay/lesbian marching band playing none other than Lady Ga Ga songs.

Care bear?


Betta work!

One of the best of the day

The gay retirement community was there too! They had to stay on the bus though.

Here comes the jungle

The fun bus!

Seriously, how do you keep that on your head?!


The only thing I actually got from the parade was a Macy's coupon...typical

She won some beauty pageant

He walked the whole way! that's talent

After 3 hours of parade watching, we found an oasis at Hummus Place! We had brunch at 4:30pm. 

A happy (late) Sunday brunch in the Village.

Then we tried to get home after the parade....not that easy.

A little close

Hey look, that's my boyfriend's name!

We were very proud!


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